domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011

The asian shrimp

It's been a week people, a lot has happened... but nothing like what happened this friday! I had lunch with two friends, and i haven't seen one of them for a month. We went to a chinese restaurant and 15 minutes after the waiter give us the menu, we realised we spent the hole time laughing! Finally we ordered something called "Shrimp with black mushrooms and bamboo" and after adventuring in that asian mystery plate, we had a dessert called the "The chinese boat"... I'll tell you something: that was absolutely delicious! It all ends well as usual, and it was really fun.
Hope all of you had as good of a week as i had,

sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Who am i?... really...

My name is Luciano Norte for those who don't know. I'm 17, portuguese, i belong to the 5th group, and i like to use humor to make friends and connect with people. I LOVE Owl City, and i LOVE watching TV. I know almost half the school, and i'm friends with almost everyone i know. Oh, and i have the cutest dog ever: Levis. Guess which picture is hers.


Hi everyone, it's a new year and everyone seems to be one year older. This is my personal blog where i'll be posting some pictures, some texts about me, and the ususal nonsence. Really hope you like it.
I'm out.